
Monday 24 August 2020

Movie night - Anastasia

In the past few days, my family and I had a movie night together, combined with delicious, full-flavored snacks! We focus straight away when the introduction of the movie plays, so we can't miss out in the end on what really happened related to the beginning as if it's one or two character that's leading the main story of the movie.

As the movie continues, we went all silent. We picked a interesting movie from one of the categories, which was based on a true story, since it was from Russia the disappearing of the royal family.  The movie was not entirely based on the real story behind it. Anastasia the main character, she also had a horrifying story behind her character name.

When Anastasia tried to reunite with her mother. Her mother refused. Tons of people tried to look and act like her, but farther wise the mother already knew that none of them cared about how she loved and took care of Anastasia, but only cared about money.

Finally when the ending came she fell in love in with a mysterious kitchen boy, the boy who looked after them from when she was young, when the mysterious, horrifying scene happened. We were all exhausted after getting entertained by the movie, but nevertheless it was really a interesting movie.!


  1. Kia ora Alrida,
    The story of Anastsia is so fascinating - it was believed that she might have been the only member of her family to survive. There are so many twists and turns - I can understand why you and your family were so exhausted by the end! What will you all watch on your next movie night?

  2. We would probably watch movies similar to Anastasia.!

  3. Do you prefer animated movies or movies with real actors? The most recent version of the Lion King was impressive because it blended both!

  4. Real actors are also very interesting for a good example of changing things up a little bit, as well as including new songs into the original animated movie. Experiencing the same thing as the character . But, I still prefer animated movies!

  5. There are some pretty amazing animated movies to watch these days - I enjoy watching Pixar movies. One of my all time favourites is A Bug's Life - a very funny story and really impressive animation graphics! What is your favourite animated movie?

  6. Kia Ora Alrida. My name is Georgia I am a year 8 at Belfast School. I really like what you wrote, me and my family love having movie night I bet your family enjoys it! What was the name of the russian movie, maybe I've watched it? Maybe next time you could draw and image of a scene from your movie to add to your blog post. The way you described this movie it made me jump in my seat!

    Come check out my blog-
